We all know that life is constantly changing.

We are reminded of this not only by the weather outside the window, but also the need to change our wardrobe and the often occurring mood swings. Until recently, we could enjoy the beauty of summer. We lived life to the fullest, spending time outside, going on vacation, going to the water. Unfortunately, the ardent rays of the sun, fresh vegetables and fruits, summer salads and everything related to summer are behind us. Instead, gray clouds, storms and rain greet us outside the window. No wonder that in parallel with the change in the weather, we also change ourselves, we become more melancholy, depressed, we lack energy and sunlight. Autumn is also a time when our body's immunity is drastically weakened. On these days, we must be especially attentive to what we eat and how we eat, and what vitamins and minerals we must provide the most to support our body as much as possible in the fight against the threats that await us in Autumn.


Natural ways to deal with the virus

Vegetables and fruits


It has long been known that vegetables and fruits are the basis for good health and well-being. It is no different in autumn, this time of year we should eat even more of them, because it is in autumn that we are most exposed to various infections. Among the vegetables and fruits of the season that are the richest in nutritional values, it is worth mentioning such vegetables and fruits as:

Tomatoes - these delicious vegetables are a source of many vitamins and antioxidants, they contain lycopene (a natural red dye), which has the properties of a strong antioxidant, they are also rich in vitamin C, one medium tomato is about 50% of the daily requirement. Tomatoes also contain a lot of potassium, which is responsible for the proper functioning of the neuromuscular system.

Spinach- Spinach is not only a lot of iron, but also folic acid and a lot of vitamin C. It contains antioxidants in the form of vitamins C, E and beta-carotene, which protect the body against free radicals. Green leaves are rich in vitamin B2.

Peppers - A record holder among vitamins, half of a medium-sized pepper provides 100% of the daily requirement for beta-carotene. It contains 4 times more vitamin C than a lemon! In addition, it is a great source of vitamin A, B vitamins and vitamins E and K.

Plums - these fruits contain little vitamin C, instead they contain a lot of antioxidants that fight free radicals in the form of vitamins E and A,

Pumpkin - has a lot of vitamin A, which has a great effect on the skin, hair and nails. It is also rich in folic acid, fiber, B vitamins, potassium and magnesium. In order for its ingredients to be properly absorbed, it is worth adding healthy fats to pumpkin-based dishes. The healthiest fats on the market are CBD oils, such fats must always be rich in omega 3 and 6.

Nuts - have a very high nutritional value, contain: healthy monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), protein, soluble fiber, insoluble fiber, vitamins: E and K, folic acid, thiamine, minerals such as: magnesium , copper, potassium and selenium, carotenoids, antioxidants and phytosterol compounds, phenolic compounds. Nuts support the work of the brain the most, which improves well-being on cloudy days.



Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids


These unsaturated fatty acids are very important for our body. They play a big role in building our immune system. A diet rich in Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids is very important because our body is unable to produce them on its own. They support the reduction of blood clotting, ensure the proper functioning of the immune system, prevent atherosclerosis, support the work of the brain and heart and reduce the occurrence of stroke and heart attack.

Omega-3 - They are responsible, among others, for strengthening hair and nails, take care of our heart and blood vessels, are helpful in a slimming diet

Omega-6 - their balanced amount in our diet is responsible for the proper functioning of the kidneys, they reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood, they are helpful in caring for the heart.



Where to find Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids?

The most acids are found in healthy oil. It is worth mentioning that hemp oil contains 25 times more omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids than olive or rapeseed oil! Health-promoting properties that they show include, for example, supporting the work of the brain, protecting the artery, nervous system and taking care of our immune system. Few people know that hemp oil is also recommended for expectant mothers. It is recommended because it contains many substances necessary for the proper functioning of the fetus and the development of the child in the mother's womb, while being 100% safe.



Hemp oil is a great addition to cold dishes, salads, sandwiches and various spreads for sandwiches. It is 100% vegan and has a slightly nutty flavor, which is an excellent alternative to cod liver oil. It is a great addition to cold dishes, sandwiches, salads, vegetarian pastes. It's a great alternative to cod liver oil, has a delicious nutty flavor and is 100% vegan.


Proteins and proteins

Other very important ingredients for our body are proteins and proteins, especially for vegetarians and vegans it is necessary to take care of the level of protein supplied to the body. Vegetable protein consists of many amino acids, some of which our body produces itself, while most of them must be provided by a properly balanced diet, rich in proteins and proteins. Vegetable protein contains all the amino acids necessary for the proper functioning of our body.

Hemp proteins contain all the essential amino acids, a balanced amount of omega 3 and omega 6 acids and a lot of fibre.

Body detox


Detoxification of the body is essential not only for our health, but also for our well-being. Herbs play a big role in detoxifying our body, unlike drugs, they do not have side effects. Medications inhibit our liver, thereby inhibiting the body's detoxification, which is essential to keep our body and mind in good shape. Drugs that put a strain on our liver inhibit the body's detoxification, which is essential to keep our body and mind in good shape.



Hemp tea is an excellent choice for people who want to cleanse the body of toxins and strengthen the immune system at the same time. There is probably nothing better than coming home on a cool, dark autumn evening and drinking a delicious warming herbal tea. I myself drink hemp tea about 2 hours before going to bed. It makes it easier and more pleasant for me to fall asleep, and additionally during sleep it helps my body get rid of toxins. The healing substance CBD found in tea helps with digestive disorders, pain, and migraines. Tea with the addition of CBD will provide us with indisputable quality of sleep and strengthen our body. It is especially recommended before bedtime, it relaxes and relaxes, and in the morning we wake up refreshed and full of strength, thanks to which there is a chance that we will look at these gloomy days differently outside the windows, the lack of sun will be less noticeable because energy and well-being will be in us.


Taking care of the immune system.

To keep our body healthy and energized, prevention is very important. It is not only warm sweaters, an umbrella and avoiding sick people, but above all a healthy and balanced diet. It must be rich in omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, proteins and vitamins.

The main factor that reduces our immunity is stress. It is an open secret that in these very special times, each of us has it in excess, not only the situation in the world but also ordinary everyday life serves us. A good way to relieve stress is to drink infusions of calming herbs and sleep well, it is also worth thinking about the prophylactic use of CBD oil.

Nature gives us everything we need, we don't have to burden the body with drugs that destroy our liver.

Let's take care of ourselves, let's enrich our diet with products of plant origin, they support our body in health and illness and ensure well-being and vitality.


If prevention is not enough


In the case of more severe diseases as well as for prevention, we recommend CBD oil. It is an extract from legal varieties of hemp. It contains a mixture of medicinal cannabinoids, most of which is CBD.

CBD oil helps in the treatment of: nausea, autism, diabetes, epilepsy, cancer and autoimmune diseases.