CBG - what is worth knowing?

Hemp, as well as cannabis, consists of numerous chemical substances. At least 80 of them are cannabinoids. This group of compounds includes THC, which raises a lot of controversy, or CBD, which has a positive effect on our body, is used more and more often. Similar properties are also characteristic of another cannabinoid - CBG (cannabigerol). Just like CBD, it does not have a psychoactive effect and is used to treat various ailments. It's time to take a closer look at it.


CBG – what makes it different from CBD?

CBG is definitely a less popular cannabinoid than CBD or THC, but it plays an equally important role in the cannabis plant. What's more, it is from CBG that these compounds derive their origin. How is this possible? Cannabigerol is one of the first compounds that is formed in cannabis as it matures and develops. For this reason, it is sometimes referred to as the stem cell of every cannabis plant. Its concentration is highest in the plant growth phase, then it takes mainly the acidic form known as CBGA. When its enzymes break down, m. THCA or CBDA, which transform into the compounds we know today. Although CBGA has a much lower concentration than THC or CBD, it can provide just as many benefits.


Benefits of using CBG

The legalization of marijuana in the USA or Canada contributed to the study of cannabinoids contained in hemp. Certainly, the recent legalization of medicinal marijuana in many European countries was also of great importance. Until recently, CBG was omitted during research due to its low concentration, but recently this has changed. As it turned out, its action can bring many benefits to our health. What are the benefits of using CBG?


1. Helps in inflammatory bowel disease

The research result published by the University of Naples in 2013 confirms our belief that CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to which it helps in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). So far, clinical texts have only been conducted on mice, but this is likely to change in the near future.


2. It has an antimicrobial effect

More and more microbes (such as staphylococcus aureus) are becoming resistant to antibiotics and conventional treatments, which can lead to the spread of disease. That is why CBG will be perfect in this case, which will take over the role of a bacteria killer. Its antimicrobial effect was already demonstrated in 2008.


3. Helps with bladder problems

Cannabis infusions have been used to treat bladder problems for many years. As it turns out, it was the right thing to do, as confirmed by the results of the 2015 study. Then a team of Italian scientists tested this thesis. Studies have shown that CBG reduces contractions in the human bladder.


4. Stimulates the appetite

Most people are aware that smoking marijuana causes an increased appetite. As it turns out, research conducted in 2016 at one of the universities confirmed that CBG is responsible for these properties. How can this be helpful? An estimated 1% of American women suffer from anorexia, and at least half of them suffer from depression. CBG can help them overcome eating disorders and improve their mood at the same time.


5. Protects the nervous system

CBD plays the role of an antioxidant in our brain, thanks to which it protects the nervous system from damage. What's more, this cannabinoid improves motor deficits and protects neurons, and even slightly improves the expansion of selected genes, which helps in Huntington's disease.


6. Helps fight cancer

It is recognized that CBG supports the fight against cancer, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. To confirm this thesis, it is worth quoting a study from 2014, which showed that CBG may be able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.


7. Helps treat glaucoma

Medical marijuana has been used to treat glaucoma since time immemorial. CBG improves the drainage of fluids in the eyeball, thus reducing intraocular pressure. In addition, it acts as a vasodilator in the eye, thereby improving blood circulation. As a result, blood richer in oxygen reaches the eye, which can be helpful not only in the treatment of glaucoma, but also in many other eye diseases.


Is CBG legal?

Cannabigerol is not psychoactive, therefore it will not cause the so-called high. Most products containing CBG do not have a high concentration of THC. It is usually limited to 0.2%, and this level is also allowed in Poland, which means that CBG is legal in our country. The easiest way to get them is in the form of CBD isolate, CBG oil or CBG crystals. Although we still know very little about this relationship, more and more research and publications are being made about it. So far, they all agree - CBG can bring many health benefits.