CBD oil - positive properties of hemp oil

What is CBD?

CBD is a natural organic compound found in hemp, the most famous next to THC. Cannabis Sativa plants also have a number of other cannabinoids, such as the aforementioned THC, which has a psychoactive effect. On the other hand, CBD in normal doses has a normalizing effect on the THC content. CBD oils are becoming more and more popular every year, not only in alleviating some symptoms of serious illnesses or diseases, but also in reducing them in the most optimal, healthy and effective way. It should be mentioned that CBD oil is healthy and valuable when it comes to its use, which is confirmed by more and more new research. The potential of CBD itself is so great that the oils that contain it are presented as those that affect our endocannabinoid system, which in turn regulates a number of physiological processes in our body. Therefore, for some time, CBD oils have been presented in the perspective of a very wide application, and at the same time a solution useful in regulating energy demand. CBD oil also has a very positive effect on our immune, neuroprotective and hormonal systems.

Positive properties of CBD oil

CBD oils are helpful in treating stress, depression and anxiety

CBD oils have very beneficial properties in relieving anxiety, stress, depression, and increase the secretion of dopamine and serotonin in the body. Thanks to the fact that CBD affects these important neurotransmitters, it improves our current mood and in many cases we even regain motivation and willingness to act. CBD also affects the problem of lack of appetite or sleep problems. Even from the first intake of the right dose, we will be able to notice the effect of its operation almost immediately.

CBD reduces the risk of diabetes and obesity

The properties of the CBD compound allow CBD oils to act in an anti-inflammatory way, which in turn can prevent the development of pancreatitis, and thus, the appearance of diabetes in the future. When it comes to damage to blood vessels, the situation is similar. People who regularly take CBD have a statistically smaller waist circumference and a much better body mass index (BMI).

CBD oils have antioxidant properties

CBD has very strong antioxidant properties, it greatly reduces and sometimes even completely stops the oxidation reaction in the body. The result is not only slower aging of our cells in the body, but also preventing the formation of free radicals.

CBD in the fight against cancer

Some inflammatory conditions that go untreated can develop into cancer. In turn, the beneficial anti-inflammatory effect in everyday cancer prevention is the undoubted advantage of CBD. Very often, CBD is also used to combat and possibly limit the development of cancer cells. CBD is also very useful in eliminating the effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

CBD in the analgesic effect

CBD oils are increasingly recognized and used as a better and more effective solution than typical painkillers. Not only do they eliminate pain, but more importantly, they do not have a negative effect on other parts of our body. In most cases, there are also no contraindications to taking CBD with other medications. It is in the case of chronic diseases that a strong need for their use is noticed. CBD oils can be used for all types of pain in appropriate forms, i.e. migraine, postoperative, rheumatic or neuropathic pain. Therefore, thanks to CBD, effective pain relief can also be safe for our body.

How WE use CBD?

CBD has a good effect on our efficiency and helps with many ailments. CBD can also be used in even the most ordinary cases, such as:


Severe pains in the temples, occiput (weather changes, migraine)

Runny nose, spring pollen allergy (inhibits runny nose)

The desire to calm down, focus on a given task (CBD calms the mind to such an extent that it is finally possible to focus on something important, calms down and brings so-called relaxation)


How to recognize a good quality CBD oil?

Good quality CBD hemp oil should have cannabinoid acid, flavonoids and terpenoids.


flavonoids - these are chemical compounds found in hemp. Flavonoids have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and strengthening effects on the circulatory system.

terpenes - are aromatic compounds that are responsible for the taste, color of hemp flowers and their aroma. Research shows that terpenes can positively influence and support the action of cannabinoids.


What is the maximum dose of CBD?

As a dietary supplement, CBD should not exceed a maximum daily dose of 200 mg. For medical purposes, higher doses can be used, but you should consult your doctor for this.