How to choose the right hemp grinder for your needs?
The grinder is an extremely useful device that is used to grind dried hemp so that, firstly, it releases therapeutic cannabinoids and terpenes, and secondly, to be able to consume it in a more pleasant, effective and efficient way.
It is not surprising, therefore, that questions about how to choose the right grinder for dried hemp hit our inbox so often. This is such a burning topic that we decided to create a short guide that will make this choice easier for you.
A few questions to ask yourself when choosing a dream cracker.
We will immediately bring down to earth all those who think that choosing the right grinder for dried hemp is the maximum of determining its color and the price we want to pay for it.
The multitude of available materials from which the grinders are made can make you dizzy (aluminum, plastic, acrylic, wooden, metal, etc.), not to mention the functionality ...
Unfortunately, or fortunately, there are many solutions on the market that are worth considering in order to enjoy a comfortable, beautiful and safe grinder.
That is why we have prepared a list of questions worth answering before you even start browsing the available offers.
Ready? Well, let's go!
Answer these questions:
How often am I going to use the cannabis grinder?
Is safety and convenience of use important to me?
Do I enjoy spending my free time cleaning my hemp accessories?
Do I have additional accessories, such as a container for storing herbs or a tray for pouring it into, for example, a vaporizer?
Do I use a vaporizer at all?
Is the appearance of the cracker important to me?
Why are these questions important when choosing your grinder?
We run with an explanation.
Well, if you answered the first question that you use the grinder quite often, it means that it is best if you choose reputable companies.
Why? Because such a grinder will be made of durable material and will not refuse to obey after a few weeks of grinding your herbs for you.
In this case, it is worth treating this purchase as an investment. Especially if you answered yes to the second question as well.
Because good quality grinders from reputable manufacturers are not made of Chinese plastic, which after some time of use may start to get into your herbs (and this is dangerous to your health due to the presence of phthalates and bisphenol A in such plastic - you definitely do not want breathe it into your lungs.
In addition, the mechanisms of such crackers are definitely more durable. They will serve you for a long time. This is the case, for example, with grinders equipped with a crank. Not only do they provide comfort of use, but they are also resistant to frequent use.
If you don't like to clean your accessories too often or don't like having too many of them at all, then think about multi-part grinders. In our store you will find a large selection of grinders equipped with containers for storing herbs or special chambers that replace a tray for pouring herbs.
Yes, they are less handy than single-chamber grinders, but on the other hand, such solutions - two or even four in one, are extremely convenient and save space in pockets .
If you are a convection vaporizer user or you like very fluffy herbs, a grinder with two types of grinding chamber bottom is a good solution. This is a great solution to be able to properly adjust the grinding level to personal preferences.
And if you like to separate the weed from the pollen, you will probably choose four-chamber grinders. Why?
Because at their bottom they have a fine strainer that efficiently separates one from the other. In addition, it provides the above-mentioned functions, e.g. storing your favorite herb.
Now let's move on to the appearance of the grinder.
Honestly? You can go crazy here!
Colorful, with prints, without prints, carved ... seriously! Choose so that reaching for this accessory every day fills you with joy and the feeling that you are holding something that is not only functional and necessary, but also beautiful! Because why not, since our offer is so abundant in this respect? Let the grinder please your eye!
Ok, we've already gone through the most important options, but there's one more left. We hope you are sitting, because imagine that a dried cracker can be not only manual, manual ... but also electric!
Yes! Exactly, the electric hemp grinder is now a reality! Therefore, if you like technological innovations or want to transfer the use of your favorite herb to the 21st century, perhaps you will direct your attention in this direction?
Phew, I think we've exhausted the topic. However, if you need individual support in choosing a grinder, go ahead! Write or call us! We offer help, our knowledge and many years of experience.
And this link will take you to the world of grinders available in our offer: https://vapuj.pl/akcesoria-do-vaporizerow-waporyzatorow/mlynki-grindery.html